
Google Drive (Backup and Sync) deu falha ao atualizar

  • Domingos Nunes
  • 16/03/2017
  • Blog

Something went wrong. Backup and Sync needs to quit. Error: Backup and Sync is disabled for this account. Please email: uploader-eng@ from your account if you need a personal account whitelisted.

Você que ficou assustado com após seu Google Drive atualizar e  parar de sincronizar os arquivos aqui tem a solução.

Desinstale o Google Drive em Painel de Controle, Feche o Chrome e instale novamente.

You who got scared after your Google Drive update and stop syncing the files here has the solution.

Uninstall Google Drive in Control Panel, Close Chrome, and install again.

Leia como ganhar 100 Giga no Google Drive

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